the ocean is home to all these animals. many of them are endangered. they all suffer because of pollution and hunting. keeping our oceans clean will help keep these animals alive.
这本绘本带领孩子在模仿十二种动物的特有动作中学习英文,绘本涉及到以下单词和句子:单词:penguin giraffe buffalo monkey seal gorilla cat crocodile camel donkey elephant parrot.
还记得小学还是初中英语课上,老师教我们,英文中形容雨下的超大有一句谚语:“It's raining cats and dogs”,当时觉得特别形象,脑子里顿时有了“下猫下狗”的有趣画面,这期就借着这个童年回忆,做一期创意壁纸,希望大家喜欢。
brown bear 棕色的熊,red bird 红色的鸟,yellow duck 黄色的鸭子,blue horse 蓝色的马,green frog 绿色的青蛙,purple cat 紫色的猫,white dog 白色的狗,black sheep 黑色的绵羊,goldfish 金鱼。