作为项目负责人主持Japan Society for the Promotion of Science基金和分担多项日本财团合作研究基金,并作为项目组成员参与日本环境省环境研究综合推进基金等,并担任日本学术振兴会科研基金审查委员会候补委员,日本水环境学会会员,京都大学环境卫生工学研究会会员等。
【摘要】Total and per capita protein consumption rates in US diets, whether from plant or animal sources, rank among the highest in the world. When protein consumption outpaces physiologic protein demands, excess amino acids are degraded in the human body and nitrogen is excreted and released to the environment, mainly in the form of urea. Such excess reactive N can enter downstream environments, thereby impairing human and ecosystem health as well as contributing to economic losses. We show that matching protein consumption with physiologic requirements would reduce US hydrologic N losses to aquatic ecosystems by 12% and overall N losses to ecosystems by 4%. Were US citizens to consume protein at recommended rates, projected N excretion rates in 2055 would be 27% less than they are today, despite population growth. Optimizing US protein consumption to levels that meet human health standards has environmental benefits on par with improving wastewater treatment using existing technology, while also generating impactful economic benefits.
2012年7月24日消息(具体拍摄时间不详),美国纽约,城市探险者在纽约市下水道中探险。 图片来源:视觉中国2009年8月5日消息,工人在伦敦地下下水道中清污。 图片来源:视觉中国2009年6月2日,俄罗斯圣彼得堡,当地举行街区障碍竞速比赛。
V-T/V-I If you drain a liquid from a place or object, you remove the liquid by causing it to flow somewhere else. If a liquid drains somewhere, it flows there. 使流走;转载《有道词典》,如有侵权请通知删除。
接近尾声:即将结束。come to a close come to a conclusion。来自古英语 sumor,夏季,来自 Proto-Germanicsumur,夏季,来自 PIEsem,夏季,可能衍生自 PIE*semi,一半,半个。