Look.He's coming out now.看。他现在正要出来。hide /haɪd/ verb 躲藏 | keep sth/sb in a placeHe's warm.他暖和了。He's warmer.他越来越暖和了。
我们花了一整天的时间在沙滩上,所以我们都被晒黑了。After I eat breakfast I'll walk to the bus stop and I'll catch the bus to work.
A dispute arose between the North wind and the Sun, each claiming that he was stronger than the other. At last they agreed to try their powers upon a traveller, to see which could soonest strip him of his cloak. The North wind had the first try, and gathering up all his force for the attack, he came whirling furiously down upon the man, and caught up his cloak as though he would wrest it from him by one single effort, but the harder he blew, the more closely the man wrapped it round himself. Then the turn of the Sun. At first he beamed gently upon the traveller, who soon unclasped his cloak and walked on with it hanging loosely about his shoulders, then he shone forth in his full strength, and the man, before he had gone many steps, was glad to throw his cloak right off and complete his journey more lightly clad.
Tomand his classmate,Jerry,are talking about the sun and the moon. Jerry asks,"Which of them is more useful?"汤姆和他的同学杰瑞正在讨论太阳和月亮的话题.杰瑞问:"它们中哪
“When the sun rises, it rises for everyone.” This Cuban proverb is simple, but yet profound. It reminds us that each day is a new beginning for each one of us, and we are given equal time each day, it is up to us to make the best use of our day.
在大多数语境中,当你在谈论户外的阳光时,最好使用“In the sun”,这里的sun相当于sunlight就像下面这些例子一样:The kids were in the sun all day, and they got sunburned.
Goodbye to you my trusted friend再见了,我的挚友We've known each other since we were nine or ten我们九岁十岁时就相识Together we've climbed hills and trees曾经一起
Among other things the Sun represents courage, power, fame, health, healing, fame, success, politicians, heads of state, leaders and commanders.
一万年的历史很久,但我只爱与你在一起的每一分每一秒,每一朝每一夕,I love three things in the world,The sun the moon and you,The sun is for the day,The moon is for the night and you forver。
听音频请点击下面:难度等级:B级It is Spring 春天来了The sun pops up.太阳升起来了The flowers pop out.花朵盛开了The worms pop up.蚯蚓探出头来了The plants pop up.