原文:All 67 victims of the midair collision between a jet and a Black Hawk helicopter have been found in the Potomac River。
原文:Human remains were found at the former home of a Pennsylvania man recently convicted of killing his wife, who went missing in October 2018 and was found buried in a shallow grave.译文:警方称,周日清晨,在威斯康星州麦迪逊市的一场屋顶派对上发生枪击事件,造成9人受伤。
下面是外媒头条的原文和对应的机器翻译,供您参考(翻译若存在问题,欢迎指正。)第1条原文:Donald Trump and Elon Musk illegally revoked $80 million that was approved by Congress for NYC.
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