康熙通宝作为清代的钱币之一,主要铸造于1662年至1722年,也就是清圣祖康熙年间,康熙通宝的直径大约在2.5 —2.8厘米,重量大约在3.8—5.5克左右,钱币的正面有康熙通宝四字,而康熙通宝可以根据背面的文字,主要分为两大类,一类,是仿顺治四式的满文钱,而另一类,则是顺治五式的满汉文钱。
先引用一段原文见下:During the first six years of K’H only three mints cast cash: the two Boards in Peking and Kiangning. The CSL has the following entry for K’H 2/5/ 乙酉 4 : “ The West Pacifying Prince Wu San-kuei 平西王吳三桂 states as previously decided that Yünnan will start casting cash in the official style of K’ang-hsi cash. ” Liu Fengyun 刘风云 explains that what Wu San-kuei was planning to cast were hsi-ch’ien 西錢 coins with the character hsi 西 . 5 This is the solution to the long standing mystery. There is no other possibility, as no other mint began operating in K’H 2.