The daisy's message is, ultimately, one of hope and renewal. In sending daisies, the sender hopes the viewer will see the world as they once did as a child.归根结底,雏菊传达的信息是充满希望和万象更新。
Lavender is sometimes also used to flavour beverages and sweets and has a number of applications in herbal medicine. English lavender , French lavender , and woolly lavender are among the most widely cultivated species.
In 1862, Cornell's first president, Andrew Dickson White, wrote a colleague that a great university should include a botanical garden: “It must have the best of Libraries – collections in different departments – Laboratory – Observatory – Botanical Garden perhaps…
吉姆·克劳法是指19世纪末20世纪初美国南部的种族隔离政策。他留给家人朋友留下了以下的遗嘱:I am sorry to my brother and my friends for leaving you like this. Of course, if I was truly sorry, I wouldn't be doing it. But the machine demands blood. None of this is fair.
It wouldn't please you or anyone to see him brachio his spinosaurus or an ankylosaurus, which would leave him too tyrannosaur to try to Saratops the velocirapidity of a gigantosaurus apex preda boarding record.
appreciate doing sth. 10. struggle to do sth. 11. point of view 12. demand to do sth. 13. demand that ...