查看答案:一、BCD。1. took 2. creation 3. founding 4. national 5. is celebrated 6. a 7. with 8. stronger 9. weeks 10. which。
“China's” refers to something that belongs to China, or is an action or attitude that can be attributed to China or its government. It is much narrower in usage than “Chinese” and should probably be avoided when trying to emphasise Chinese possession of things, people, or territories.好啦,今天的小知识点,你学会了嘛?
The celebration typically lasts around 15 days. One week before the day, residents are busy shopping. The 'Fu' symbol, vibrant window flowers and poetic couplets are carefully selected to spruce up their homes.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has encouraged youth in the aerospace sector to contribute more to China's realization of greater self-reliance in aerospace science and technology. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in a Monday letter replying to a youth team working on space station construction at the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation . Xi extended greetings to all youth in the aerospace sector in the letter for China's Youth Day, which falls on May 4.
2024年第14期《求是》杂志刊发了关于进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化的本刊评论员文章。We should acquire a deeper understanding of the decisive significance of “Two Affirmations.” We should also strengthen consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership;
China's foreign trade of goods jumped 9.9 percent year on year to 31.11 trillion yuan during the first nine months of the year, official data showed Monday. Exports rose 13.8 percent year on year to 17.67 trillion yuan, while imports increased 5.2 percent from a year ago to 13.44 trillion yuan, according to the General Administration of Customs.