Ladybugs love to snack on aphids and other pests. So people began importing an Asian species called the harlequin ladybird as natural pest control. But in their new environments, the harlequins wiped out native ladybugs. And they have their parasites to thank.但是在新环境中,小丑瓢虫却消灭了本地的瓢虫,这要归因于小丑瓢虫带来的寄生虫。
“bunk” /bʌŋk/逃跑或逃避。举个例子:“He was supposed to help with the project, but he did a bunk when the work got tough.”
WelcomHi [haɪ]嘿,喂,你好I [aɪ]我Be[biː] (am [æm], is [ɪz], are[ɑː])是what [wɒt] 什么your [jɔː] 你的;你们的name [neɪm] 名字hello [həˈləʊ]喂,哈啰,你好my [maɪ]我的go
奉献,致力于dew[dju:] n.露,露水diagram [‘daiəɡræm] n.图解,图表,简图dial [‘daiəl] n.钟面;拨号盘 vt.拨dialect [‘daiəlekt] n.方言,土语,地方话dialog [‘daiəlɔɡ] n.对话,对白diame
Birds are seen at Ulunggur Lake in Fuhai county, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, March 28, 2020.3 old bird老练的人,精明的人。
一、COLOUR (颜色)1blue 蓝色(的)2green 绿色(的)3red 红色(的)4yellow黄色(的)5orange橘色(的)6purple紫色(的)7white 白色(的)8black 黑色(的)9brown 棕色(的)二、SCHOOL (学校)10school
家庭与人物称呼及职业职务① 家庭人员aunt姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母brother兄;弟cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹couple夫妇dad(daddy)爸爸daughter女儿family家;家庭;家人;亲属;家族father爸爸;父亲grandchild孙子/女,外孙子
黑猩猩billy-goat[ˈbɪli ɡəʊt]公山羊antelope[ˈæntɪləʊp] 羚羊sheep[ʃiːp]羊,绵羊cattle [ˈkætl] 牛calf [kɑːf] 小牛;牛犊ox [ɒks] 公牛dinosaur [ˈdaɪnəsɔː] 恐龙dragon [
很多同学都觉得,背单词是英语学习过程中的第一大难关。英语单词的记忆方法很多,其中有一种方法就叫分类记忆法。为了便于同学们用这种记忆英语词汇,小编把小学英语的全部词汇划分为学习、体育、课外生活、居家等 20大类,值得我们好好学习记忆一下!老师、家长,马上让孩子收藏学习吧!
二十九、肉类及海鲜pork猪肉chop猪排 streaky pork/marbled beef五花肉 fatty meat肥肉 lean meat瘦肉 fore leg前腿 hind leg后腿 pettitoes 猪蹄 hock & foot脚爪 sinew蹄筋 gristle