One is food security, another is climate change and the third is the threat of a worldwide outbreak of influenza. 其一是食品安全问题,另一个是气候变化,第三是流行感冒全球性爆发的威胁。
in the weekend. and you have no love. our friends. and i feel sorry for you. you're a full harry button. and you will lose. everything. it's back. i know how you feel here. you done. is my phone?
There is a Chinese saying going like this: bad news gets about quicker than good news. 中国有句谚语:好事不出门,坏事行千里。
【真句】We’ve all known people who run out of steam before they reach life’s halfway mark.【2019.6天津】我们都知道有人在人生的中途就精疲力竭了。
按照规定,第一支三次赢得世界杯的球队将可以永久保留雷米特杯,1970年,巴西做到了这一点。The FIFA World Cup trophy is 14.5 inches tall and is made of 6.175 kg of 18 karats gold. It has a circular base, 13 cm in diameter, made of two layers of malachite.大力神杯高14.5英尺,由6.175公斤75%黄金铸造。