如:Jazz just is not my cup of tea, I prefer classical music . 又如:He is nice enough but not really my cup of tea . 所以人人之间相处时,尤其是年轻人谈恋爱时,如果觉得对方不合心意,千万不要直白地说我不喜欢他/她,可以说:He/She is nice enough but not really my cup of tea. 显然这样的一句话既委婉,又不伤对方的自尊心。
“If we really are serious about being Asia’s World City, we still have a lot of work to do. So add oil, everyone!比如char siu、yum cha、milk tea、dai pai dong。
再来读一遍完整的文章:TheSawyers live at 87 King Street.In the morning, Mr. Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.Their father takes them t