Men's Parallel Giant Slalom男子平行大回转。Men's Halfpipe男子U型场地技巧。Men's Snowboard Cross男子障碍追逐。Men's Slopestyle男子坡面障碍技巧。Men's Big Air男子大跳台。Ladies' Parallel Giant Slalom女子平行大回转。Ladies' Halfpipe女子U型场地技巧。Ladies' Snowboard Cross女子障碍追逐。Ladies' Slopestyle女子坡面障碍技巧。Ladies' Big Air女子大跳台。
The victors of the competition received a warm welcome at the airport.普通用词,通常指比赛、竞赛的优胜者,或某种奖项的获得者,也指经过努力的成功者。
作者:小雅和英美友人(1) Judge 裁判打分项目的裁判、边裁(line judge)等助理裁判。The judge gave the French diver a high score.裁判给了法国跳水队员一个高分。
后来,人们就以亚军称呼比赛中的第二名。例:Italy, with roughly the same population, has won four World Cups and been runner-up in a few more.
sports meet/meeting 运动会 2.athlete 运动员 队 leader 领队 5.captain 队长 教练 7.referee 裁判 8.match /competition 比赛 event 团体赛 10.individual event 单项赛 11.championship 锦标赛。
The bank isn' t performing as well as some of its competitors.解析:物主代词加名词,因为前面是银行,银行和对手竞争肯定是人,所以这里用竞争者;
administrator [ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtə(r)]:管理人;行政官addressor [ˈædrəsə(r)]:发信人;发言人ambassador [æmˈbæsədə(r)]:大使;使节ancestor [ˈænsestə(r)]:祖宗;祖先author [ˈɔ
新概念英语写作社群的学员最近问到了一个句子:It has long been known that the hunting scenes depicted on walls were not simply a form of artistic expression.
例如:Some people argue that since there are still hundreds of millions of people living in poverty, it is difficult to justify spending so much money on space exploration.
有些事儿你以为很重要,别人却不把它当回事儿;有些东东你觉得好完美,但在别人眼中却一文不值。英文里的各种“嫌弃”,歪果仁都是咋形容的?1. Curl one's lip这个短语并非指噘嘴,而是形容嘴角向上撇,表现出一丝反感或厌恶。