也就是说“urgent”这个单词,老外们通常是不会用来形容一个人很急的!所以呢,如果大家想用“urgent”这个单词来表达那种急迫感,紧急感,一般我们可以这样来表达:It's urgent. 这件事情很急。It's an urgent project.
我来给大家一一分类:1. 很赶时间的那种急,我们可以用单词hurry或者rush. hurry 本身做动词表示‘快点,匆忙’,你催别人快一点,可以说:Hurry.或者Hurry up. rush 本身做动词表示‘仓促,催促’,Don't rush anything. 不要草率行事;Don't rush me. 别催我。我现在在忙,很急吗?
When Mr Putin invaded Ukraine, he thought it would fold. It did not. Now he hopes that its Western backers, lacking the heart for a long struggle, will cut arms shipments and press Ukraine to sue for peace. They must not. Mr Putin is trying to show strength because he is weakened and the Russian people are beginning to sense it. Ukraine must maintain the momentum on the battlefield. Peace will come when Russian citizens grasp that Mr Putin is losing and cannot win.
首先解释一下ASAP。ASAP=As soon as possible, 中文翻译过来就是越快越好。一旦在邮件里出现这样的词语,就表示发件人有点等不及了,TA的需求急需收件人赶紧处理。那么,这样的写法是否符合礼貌呢?是不是有点太咄咄逼人?有没有更加得体的用法?
urgent[ˈɜ:dʒənt] adj. 急迫的; 催促的; 强求的; 极力主张的;分析:“u”是英语单词“you”的简写字母;“r”是汉字“染”的汉语拼音的声母;“gen”是汉字“跟”的汉语拼音;“t”是汉字“特”的汉语拼音的声母。记忆:你染强盗思想特(t)别相像。例句:"I
1. Chinese New Year will begin on February 16th, 2018 officially. But most of factories will start with their break 10 days earlier.