玩ChatGPT上瘾,喜欢什么都问它用英语可以说:有一个很形象的短语可以形容大家对手机感觉:can't put it down: 无法放下, 爱不释手。I just can't put my phone down. 我玩手机根本停不下来。
ChatGPT 发布以来,以其惊人的语言能力让各行各业的人都为止震颤,在翻译界也毫无疑问掀起了一波热潮。很多人都想了解它在翻译领域的表现。作为 ChatGPT 的深度用户,我也经常会用它来翻译一些内容,并且用它和其他翻译工具比如 DeepL 结合使用。
WHEN DEEP BLUE, a chess computer, defeated Garry Kasparov, a world champion, in 1997 many gasped in fear of machines triumphing over mankind.当然,大型语言模型中最著名的是ChatGPT,它可以产生似乎无可挑剔的人类写作。
如:请帮我批改润色扩写这篇英语作文: Todayl went to a restaurant to eat dinner with myfriend. After dinner, we went to shopping in the store. I bought a trousers and shebought a necklace. lt was a very nice day. We will go out together next Saturday.maybe to a park to look at the flowers.
什么是ChatGPT?Chat是英语中的一个词,意思是聊天或交谈。Generative Pre-trained Transformer,简称GPT是一个自然语言处理技术,能够帮助计算机学习和理解语言的结构和含义。