任职要求:1. Bachelor degree of financial or accounting。 1-2 years of experience, within advertising, media or marketing industries is preferred;
总公司: Head Office分公司: Branch Office营业部: Business Office人事部: Personnel Department人力资源部: Human Resources Department总务部: General Affairs Departm
至于customer success manager嘛,本来我也不知道是啥,但有点印象在某处见过一篇文章叫:- Why you need customer success management instead of customer relationship management。
【CEO】 Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官【CFO】 Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官【COO】 Chief Operated Officer 首席运营官【CTO】 Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官
总经理【GM】 General Manager 副总裁【VP 】 Vice President 第一副总裁【FVP】 First Vice President 副总裁助理【AVP 】 Assistant Vice President 人力资源总监【HRD 】 Human Reso