The last that ever she saw him, / 最后一次她看到他carried away by a moonlight shadow, / 随月光而去He passed on worried and warning, / 他表达了他的忧虑和警示carried
Moonlight是一个合成词,由名词moon+light合成,在上段的句子中做动词,我们一起看下柯林斯词典中对moonlight的注释及例句:moonlight:V-I If someone moonlights, they have a second job in addition to their main job, often without informing their main employers or the tax office. 兼职。
moonlit英 [ˈmuːnlɪt]美 [ˈmunˌlɪt]adj.月光照耀下的英文释义:lighted by moonlight被月光照亮举个例子:1.The moonlit visage of the port's whitewashed buildings.
外文全称:Project Moonlight中文译名:“月光”计划背景介绍:据法国《费加罗报》10月16日报道,欧洲航天局计划通过“月光”计划到2030年部署第一个地外通信和导航基础设施,其性能类似于围绕地球旋转的太空互联网。
兼职,从事第二职业。例句:Almost every recent Greek finance minister has been an Athens university economics professor moonlighting as a politician.
10.昨晚的电视节目使我姐姐想起了两年前在山村支教的经历。The TV program last night___my sister of her___as a volunteer teacher in the mountain village two years ago.
X-ray/'eks reɪ/n.X射线;X光。toothache /'tu: θeɪk/ n.牙痛。take one's temperature 量体温。headache/'hedeɪk/ n.头痛。