N-UNCOUNT If you give money to charity, you give it to one or more charitable organizations. If you do something for charity, you do it in order to raise money for one or more charitable organizations. 慈善。转载《有道词典》,如有侵权请通知删除。
参考消息网12月12日报道(文/汪强)英国王室的八卦丑闻(gossip and scandals)向来是群众喜闻乐见的(public fascination),最近英国《卫报》的大爆料再次把王室“摆上台”(thrust the royals into the spotlight)
The terrorists were building a bomb and planned to set it off in the train station.恐怖袭击分子正在制造一枚炸弹,并计划要在火车站引爆。