我们可以用一些故事或比喻来说明free的不同词汇,比如:free spirit是一个形容人不受传统或规则束缚的词语,我们可以用这样一个故事来记住它:She is a free spirit who loves to travel around the world and try new things.;
英文释义:1. not under the control or in the power of somebody else;能够做你想做的或者说你想说的。 not a prisoner or slave。
比如哪天一个外国人要你做什么事,你回答,“I'll take care of it when I am free this afternoon.”I'll take care of it when I am free this afternoon.
2.SportingHouse释义:青楼;妓院不知道有多少同学乍一看这个词,把它理解为“体育室”如果大家说出I'll wait for you at sporting house after school.你的同学可能会一脸震惊。3.Bangsn.刘海,重击;v.猛撞同学们到了国
剑桥英语词典对它的解释是: to be certain to succeed at something because you have done the most difficult part of it 。在棒球比赛中,当击球手击中一个安全的本垒打后,顺利返回本垒,即完成一个得分。
The idea that people should have the freedom to have sex with as many different people as they like, whether or not they are married or in a
buffers和cached被算在used里,因此第一行系统已使用内存used = buffers + cached + 第二行系统已使用内存used由于buffers和cached在系统需要时可以被回收使用,因此系统可用内存 = free + buffers + cached;
Free Drink要一杯免费的饮料yào yī bēi miǎn fèi de yǐn liào Miss.please give something to drink.小姐,请给我来点喝的。xiǎo jiě ,qǐng gěi wǒ lái diǎn hē de 。