相关文章以“Twin boundary mobility in additive manufactured magnetic shape memory alloy 10M Ni-Mn-Ga”标题发表在Acta Materialia。
总的来说,本研究首次通过热处理调控SLM制备Ni50.4Ti49.6 SMA中的Ni4Ti3纳米沉淀相的物性参数,系统研究了不同样品的循环拉伸稳定性,获得的稳定拉伸回复应变达到2.25~3.74%,并对其内在机制进行了讨论说明。
2 月 26 日,日本东北大学的 Yuxin Song、Sheng Xu 作为共同第一作者,在 Nature 期刊发表了题为:A lightweight shape-memory alloy with superior temperature-fluctuation resistance的研究论文【2】。
相关研究成果以题“Additive Manufacturing of Bio-inspired Multi-Scale Hierarchically Strengthened Lattice Structures” 发表在国际机械与制造领域顶刊International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture上,并入选为该刊第172至174期的封面。
The atmospheres of a large proportion of white dwarf stars are polluted by heavy elements that are expected to sink out of visible layers on short timescales. This has been interpreted as a signature of ongoing accretion of debris from asteroids, comets and giant planets. This scenario is supported by the detection of debris discs and transits of planetary fragments around some white dwarfs. However, photospheric metals are only indirect evidence for ongoing accretion, and the inferred accretion rates and parent body compositions heavily depend on models of diffusion and mixing processes within the white dwarf atmosphere. Here we report a 4.4σ detection of X-rays from a polluted white dwarf, G29–38. From the measured X-ray luminosity, we derive an instantaneous accretion rate of MX=1.63×109 g s−1, which is independent of stellar atmosphere models. This rate is higher than estimates from past studies of the photospheric abundances of G29–38, suggesting that convective overshoot may be needed to model the spectra of debris-accreting white dwarfs. We measure a low plasma temperature of kBT = 0.5 ± 0.2 keV, corroborating the predicted bombardment solution for white dwarfs accreting at low accretion rates.