1. Track and field 田径Athletics involves two types of sports. Track events are mostly running races on a track…田径包括两种运动。
云顶滑雪公园不仅是自由式滑雪及单板滑雪国家队的训练基地,也为大众冰雪运动提供了优质场地。The Genting Snow Park has two competition venues, which are the venues for freestyle skiing and snowboard events with 5,000 fixed seats and a standing capacity of 2,500 respectively. Renovated from existing ski resorts, its six tracks were completed in October 2019.
以下31个项目为BBC网站列出的大项:中文翻译均选自CCTV网站……注:(注解中的项目选自CNN网站)⑴ 皮划艇项目包括:⑵ 自行车项目包括:⑶ 体操项目包括:⑷ 除排球外,还有沙滩排球⑸ 游泳项目中还有马拉松游泳* 2016年奥运会新增比赛项目微信公众号:你和宝宝说英语(ID:
Bing Dwen Dwen is the mascot of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics,冰墩墩是北京2022冬季奥运会的吉祥物,宝宝:很好,我想我已经看了不少电视了。用英文教宝宝9个滑雪基本技能,加拿大妈妈分享教女儿滑雪教案。
sports meet/meeting 运动会 2.athlete 运动员 3.team 队 4.team leader 领队 5.captain 队长 6.coach 教练 7.referee 裁判 8.match /competition 比赛 9.team event 团体赛 10.individual event 单项赛 11.championship 锦标赛。