【助记】海神波塞冬Poseidon,能制造海啸和地震,所以pos-=pot-表示“能力”。【真句】Art is everywhere. Any public space has been carefully designed by an artistic mind to be both functional and beautiful. 【2021年6月天津卷】艺术无处不在。
Money can corrupt any line of business, but it doesn't have to.interrupt。英 /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/ 美 /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/ 全球。
1. accept - 接受2. achieve - 实现、达成3. act - 行动、表演4. add - 加、增加5. admire - 钦佩、羡慕6. admit - 承认、允许进入7. adopt - 采用、收养8. advise - 建议、忠告9.
Why would tens of thousands of zebras living in a Paradise leave to take a long, risky journey into an unpredictable land?