Hesaid that when you dip your sushi in soy sauce, you should keep it fish-side-down since the rice absorbs the salty sauce too quickly.他说,用寿
情景口语8000句之在外用餐时最常用英语口语汇总在外用餐时 ●在快餐厅里 要一个汉堡和一杯冰茶。 I'd like a hamburger and an iced tea. *iced tea因为发音相同,有时也可写成ice tea。 我要两个热狗。
你的声音,我们愿意听见;你的关切,我们一同看见。新江苏评论员 江一苇最近,作为顶流网红小吃之一的柳州螺蛳粉有了官方英文名——“Liuzhou Luosifen”。以汉语发音的英文名一亮相,不少网友就称赞英文名贴切,不仅保留了原名的音韵,也更加凸显地域特点和传统文化特征。
从《绝望主妇》的精彩片段,体验英语言文化的独特魅力:And even though I was engaged to Ty Grant, and even though my father didn't like you, I said yes.
The little sheep _ now. 3. She always _ in the evening. 4. Sometimes I _ on the playground. 5. Talk quietly!