A Hong Kong tourist was hit and killed by a train in Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan, on January 23. According to Japanese media reports, a Chinese female tourist in her 60s was hit by a train while taking pictures of the sea view at an unmanned station. She was rushed to the hospital for treatment but was later confirmed dead. Xinhua News Agency later reported that the deceased was from Hong Kong. The Chinese Consulate - General in Sapporo said that it had immediately contacted the Japanese police to understand the accident situation. The consulate - general will continue to pay attention, maintain contact with relevant parties, and provide necessary consular assistance to the family of the deceased.
long time no see已经出现在高中英语课本这种几乎算最严谨的英语教材里了哈哈哈哈哈哈。老外不仅会说kale,还会说za ma le,牛的还会说fen shou kuai le, zhao jie shi wo de。
Museums, which are important places that protect and pass on human civilizations, as well as bridges that link the past, the present and the future, play a special role in promoting the exchanges and mutual learning of the world's civilizations.
封 面比赛采用的游戏程序未能正确显示“中国香港”的参赛队名。图自香港星岛网没有“China”字眼,中国香港队退赛! 据新加坡《联合早报》网站2月2日报道,中国香港足球总会宣布退出电竞版足球亚洲杯赛事,原因是赛事游戏程序内的队伍名称没有“China”(中国)字眼。
例如:跑马地Pau Ma Tei,又称快活谷Happy Valley/ Victoria Valley,角大排Kok Tai Pai又称企眼洲Woodman Reef,横岭背Wang Leng Pui又称大龙Tai Lung,龙眼头环Lung Ngan Tau Wan又称厦门湾Hap Mun Wan,水茫田Shui Mong Tin又称马屎笏Ma Shi Wat,山下围Shan Ha Wai又称曾大屋Tsang Tai Uk。