“I should think a hundred knights, at the least, with all their retainers, and half again as many freeriders. Cersei and the children travel with them.”
Khal Drogo stared at her tears, his face strangely empty of expression. “No,” he said. He lifted his hand and rubbed away the tears roughly with a callused thumb.
Luwin plucked at his chain collar where it had chafed the soft skin of his throat. “The Hand of the King has great power, my lord. Power to find the truth of Lord Arryn’s death, to bring his killers to the king’s justice. Power to protect Lady Arryn and her son, if the worst be true.”
利维坦按:友情提示,一,文章很长,二,有剧透。觉得都没问题?好,上菜。文/Jason Theodor译/鹊踏枝、霜衣衣、boomchacha、一粒宸、凤梨、土豆同学校对/boomchacha、凤梨原文/medium.
“And even a bastard may rise high in the Night’s Watch,” Ned reflected. Still, his voice was troubled. “Jon is so young. If he asked this when he was a man grown, that would be one thing, but a boy of fourteen . . .”
“I bedded a fishmaid once who told me the lowborn have a choicer way to put it. The king eats, they say, and the Hand takes the shit.” He threw back his head and roared his laughter. The echoes rang through the darkness, and all around them the dead of Winterfell seemed to watch with cold and disapproving eyes.
“It was the cold,” Gared said with iron certainty. “I saw men freeze last winter, and the one before, when I was half a boy. Everyone talks about snows forty foot deep, and how the ice wind comes howling out of the north, but the real enemy is the cold. It steals up on you quieter than Will, and at first you shiver and your teeth chatter and you stamp your feet and dream of mulled wine and nice hot fires. It burns, it does. Nothing burns like the cold. But only for a while. Then it gets inside you and starts to fill you up, and after a while you don’t have the strength to fight it. It’s easier just to sit down or go to sleep. They say you don’t feel any pain toward the end. First you go weak and drowsy, and everything starts to fade, and then it’s like sinking into a sea of warm milk. Peaceful, like.”
公众号:易用美剧权力的游戏第一季 第七集龙堡字幕组 & 衣柜字幕组"You Win or You Die"第七集 “不胜则死”"Summoned to court to answer for the crimes...
《冰与火之歌》 George R. R. Martin,A Song of Ice and Fire1-5册+外传电子书格式【PDF+EPUB+MOBI】+【音频】推荐12-17岁 Lexile 830L。
公号:易用美剧完整剧集私信权力的游戏第一季 第八集龙堡字幕组 & 衣柜字幕组"The Pointy End"第八集 “剑之尖端”Yah! Left high, left low.呀!左上!左下!Right low, lunge right.右下!右突刺!
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