Professor Xu Jingshi, born in Chaohu City, Anhui Province in 1933, has had a strong interest in traditional Chinese medicine since childhood. Through unremitting efforts, he has established a solid theoretical foundation in traditional Chinese medicine and accumulated rich experience in diagnosis and treatment through years of clinical practice. He always adheres to the medical philosophy of “people-oriented, patient first”, and interprets the profound connotation of “great medical sincerity” with practical actions.
徐经世 国医大师(1933-)徐经世,国医大师,安徽中医学院第一附属医院主任医师,全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师,安徽省中医药学会肝胆病专业委员会主任委员,从医逾50年,学验俱丰,尤以擅长治疗疑难杂病而称著。现将徐老临证中运用敷脐外贴治疗疑难杂症三法介绍如下,以飨同仁。
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中国青年报客户端讯(陈小飞 周磊 中青报·中青网记者 王海涵 王磊)“设立奖学金是我的心愿,经世奖学金将不断延续,不画句号。”12月21日,在安徽中医药大学经世奖学金颁奖仪式上,国医大师徐经世先生郑重承诺。