看看牛津词典的英文解释:Self-mademeans having become rich and successful through your own hard work rather than having had money given to you.也就是说,通过自身的
【初创公司Cognition获得1.75亿美元投资 由Founders Fund领投】财联社4月25日电,据一位看过交易条款的投资者透露,风投公司Founders Fund牵头向初创公司Cognition投资了1.75亿美元,后者最近推出了一款名为Devin的人工智能编程助手。
Founded in May 2023 by Liang Wenfeng, a prominent figure in both the hedge fund and AI industries, DeepSeek operates independently but is solely funded by High-Flyer, a quantitative hedge fund also founded by Wenfeng. This unique funding model has allowed DeepSeek to pursue ambitious AI projects without the pressure of external investors, enabling them to prioritize long-term research and development. DeepSeek's team primarily comprises young, talented graduates from top Chinese universities, fostering a culture of innovation and a deep understanding of the Chinese language and culture. Notably, the company's hiring practices prioritize technical abilities over traditional work experience, resulting in a team of highly skilled individuals with a fresh perspective on AI development.贾纳基拉姆·MSV是一名执业架构师、研究分析师,也是硅谷初创企业的顾问。
It can be seen that the limited liability company system is a product of modern times. The enterprises established by ancient merchants are actually almost the sole proprietorships we have today. Therefore, some people refer to sole proprietorships and partnerships collectively as “Classical Enterprise”, and the limited liability company become a “Modern Enterprise”.
由此可见,company 和 firm 都涉及 business,因此它们都是营利性商业实体,而且它们不是独立的实体,但是它们又有各自特别的用处,其区别主要体现在以下几个方面:一、Firm,无论规模大小或是经营范围,都有 business 的存在,就像 company 一样,从这里可以看出,firm 是 company 的一种,因此可以说 firm 是 company 的一个子集,但是在实际中,company 可以是 firm.
一般用法是:物主代词+own+名词,但这个时候own可以放在物主代词的后面,构成独立的名词短语。She looked very vulnerable standing there on her own.