这是Our World in Data上的最新数据:全世界有 69.7% 的人至少接种了一剂#新冠疫苗#(COVID-19 vaccine)。全世界总共接种了 133.2 亿剂疫苗,现在每天接种(administered) 687506 剂。低收入国家有 27.
英文解释:a living thing, too small to be seen without a microscope , that causes infectious disease in people,animals and plants.
In turn the body remembers the germs so that later in life when it encounters the real live virulent germs it may be able to fight it off with the retained memory against the particular germ.对于当前的世界而言,大规模的疫苗接种就是一剂强心针,让我们看到了回归正常生活的曙光。
而在新的一年,随着新冠疫情的深入以及人们对新冠疫苗的认识的深入,《韦氏英语词典》对于vaccine一词的解释也做了更新:a preparation that is administered to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease用来预防疾病的药物,通过刺激自身免疫力,从而产生对抗特定疾病的抗体。
By succeeding in their tenacious struggle, the CPC and the Chinese people have shown the world that the Chinese nation has achieved the tremendous transformation from standing upright to becoming prosperous and growing in strength, and that China's rejuvenation is an unstoppable historical force.
相关词汇:painkillers 止痛药,side effects 副作用,reduce fever 退烧。Follow the doctor's advice before taking the medicine。
18世纪时,英国流行一种叫做“天花”的传染病,夺去了很多人的性命。例句:The world's 7.5 billion people want a vaccine for Covid-19 as soon as。