我们的会议逐渐进入尾声。结束会议,英文可以用close/adjourn a meeting来表达。Close大家都熟悉,adjourn则相对很少见到,下面先介绍一下这个词。Adjourn用法Adjourn来源于法语,是休会的意思。
职场办公室日常100个英语词汇:1. Agenda - 议程2. Appointment - 预约3. Availability - 可用性4. Backup - 备份5. Break - 休息6. Calendar - 日历7. Call - 电话8.
答案在The Economist June 11th 2022 Britain “The prime minister --- The divine right of Boris” 这篇文章末段可以找到。
He is in the marriage bureau business, which is mildly ironic seeing that his dearest wish is to get married himself .
高考英语语法独立主格结构学习指津例子引入:The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent _______ at the end of last March.A.
The three men tried many times to sneakacross the border into the neighboring country,____by the police each time.
T: It’s OK. The insurance company will cover the damages if a car accident happens. But if we get into too many accidents and the claims accumulate, our compulsory insurance premiuns may increase. How the insurance loss ratio works is similar to that of labor insurance or health insurance. It’s not worth it, so drive safe!