By succeeding in their tenacious struggle, the CPC and the Chinese people have shown the world that the Chinese nation has achieved the tremendous transformation from standing upright to becoming prosperous and growing in strength, and that China's rejuvenation is an unstoppable historical force.
红网时刻新闻4月23日讯(通讯员 朱海燕)4月20日,由IPAF(国际高空作业平台联盟)与行业知名杂志媒体Access International联合举办的2023年IPAF峰会于德国柏林举办。此次峰会就“未来”这一主题,探讨全球高空作业领域的挑战和机遇。
大家好,这里是正惊游戏,我是正惊小弟。在翻译外国作品时,国内工作者都遵从“信、达、雅”的标准。如果正常按照原版“You are not prepared”翻译成“你还没有准备好”,在气势上就会大打折扣。
如果你能让这个机器人坠入爱河,你就可以赢得数千美元!If you can make this AI bot fall in love, you could win thousands of dollars!
本次活动由Radical、Vector Institute、Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute、多伦多大学和Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence等多个合作伙伴共同举办。