1.You'rescrewed. 你完蛋了。例句:If you don't get this finished on time, you're screwed.你如果不及时完成这个事,你就完蛋了。补充:“You're screwed up.”的意思是“你搞砸了”。
“我完蛋了”英文怎么说?I'm screwed.screwed 有“搞砸,完蛋”的意思。sb's screwed = 某人搞砸了,某人完蛋了。例:If we don't get this finished on time, we're screwed.
这句话夸张地把日常生活和工作中的事情比喻成了“mission”,而且动词“accomplish”通常指“完成一项艰巨的任务或挑战”,所以是一个幽默的表达方式。 It’s done and dusted.一切都做完了!
有时候,当我们为某事而犯难或是到了危机关头,为自己而懊恼时会经常说:“我完了!”或“我完蛋了!”这时,用英语你会怎么说?"I'm over"?不好意思,这是中式英语的说法,歪果仁听到了可要笑翻了!比如大家常常说的:“How are you?”、“I'm fine.
例句:It's a bit thick not letting us know what the plans are.不让我们知道计划未免太过分了。(3)That's a bit rich, considering you've never helped pay the rent
“get over”理解为“克服;从恢复过来;战胜;向…讲清;使明白”,英文释义为“to accept an unpleasant fact or situation after dealing with it for a while.”或者“to return to your usual state of health or happiness after having a bad or unusual experience, or an illness.”分享了这么多,大家都学废了吗?