Most of the students are all ears in the class and few of them listen with half an ear. 课上,多数学生都在专心听讲,少数几个没有认真听。
Make A Little Progress Every Day 每天进步一点点昨天学习了eat one's words,今天我们再来学习一个和 word相关的高频习语~No.1 You have my word. 我说到做到/我向你保证。A: I'll do my best.
Zhao Lijian: I have never heard of the program or the comedian you mentioned. Neither do I have time to watch it. I want to stress that the historical merits of the Taiwan question is very clear and China's position on the Taiwan question is consistent and clear-cut.
来源:玉渊谭天 最近几天,第十一届北京香山论坛召开。这场论坛最受大家关注的,是会场上齐聚了世界上100多个国家和地区的军官和代表。不少人提到,这是只在中国才有的画面。过去一年,乌克兰危机、巴以冲突还在延宕,全球安全局势变得更加复杂。
来源:环球网 【环球时报-环球网报道 记者 索炎琦 徐童】第十一届北京香山论坛于9月12日至14日在北京国际会议中心举行。北京时间12日上午“高端访谈·地区安全:中美关系”环节出现一幕:美方嘉宾试图引用中国成语来描述中美关系,但受到主持人的调侃。