一位顾客在收银台前想要退货。《怒呛人生》[man] Just making a return.只是退个货。[cashier] Everything okay?都还好吧?[man] Yeah, just changed my mind.是的,我就是改主意了。
货物受欢迎---the goods are very popular with customers / have met with a warm reception /be well received/accepted/ enjoy a wide popularity among the buyers。
China will implement value-added tax credit refund on a large scale, as part of effort to sustain stable macroeconomic performance, the State Council's executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang decided on March 21.
position /pə'ziʃn/ n. 位置,职位,职务。predecessor /'pri:disesə/ n. 前任,原有的事物。premise /'premis/ n. 前提,假设。prescription /pri'skripʃn/ n. 处方。preservation /ˌprezə'veiʃn/ n. 保护,防护。prestige /pre'sti:ʒ/ n. 威信,威望。priority /prai'ɒrəti/ n. 优先。prospect /'prɒspekt/ n. 前景,可能性。
“多地址合并下单”、“购物车商品上限扩容至300个”,这些新改变都让网友们更加期待双11的到来。The e-commerce behemoth revealed a raft of measures to incentivize consumers and merchants to jump onto the shopping bandwagon that's slated to reach a crescendo on Nov 11.