所谓的变狗就是产品突然从前台消失,页面出现一只小狗的图片,被称为listing变狗。当然这只是一种表现形式,简单来说listing变狗就是网页不可见,和page not found 404是类似的意思;
A:The complainant has provided no copyright registration information or other tangible evidence that the material in question is in fact copyrighted, and I have a good faith belief that it is not. The allegation of copyright violation is therefore in dispute, and at present unsupported.
A段:The complainant has provided no copyright registration information or other tangible evidence that the material in question is in fact copyrighted, and I have a good faith belief that it is not. The allegation of copyright violation is therefore in dispute, and at present unsupported.