1. pig out 狼吞虎咽、大吃特吃Would you like to pig out with us tonight?今晚想不想跟我们一起去胡吃海喝一顿?2. eat up 吃光、吃完、尽情吃You can eat up the rest of the food.
像like、love、prefer等动词也可以表示吃。比如:Southerners prefer rice and northerners like foods made from flour.南方人喜欢吃米饭,北方人爱吃面食。
这三个单词it、have、take都可以表示吃,该如何区分它们?其实非常简单。·先来看it这个单词,这个吃是很具体的吃,强调的是和吃相关的一系列动作,包括咬、嚼、咽等等。它后面经常跟很具体的食物,比如看这个例句:i'm eating an apple,我正在吃一个苹果。
be in the habit of doing sth 有做某事的习惯He is in the habit of going for long walks. 他有散步的习惯。I'm not in the habit of lying to my firends.