GRE考试重点词汇(S)sabotage n.阴谋破坏,颠覆活动saboteur n.从事破坏活动者saccharin n.糖精sacred adj.神圣的,庄严的sacrifice n.牺牲 v.宰牲祭神sacrilege n.亵渎,冒犯神灵sacrilegious adj.
punch冲子drill 钻chuck 卡盘adjustable spanner, monkey wrench 活扳子,活络扳手box spanner 管钳子 calipers 卡规oil can 油壶jack 工作服adjustable pliers 可调手钳grease gu
stack/ stAk/ n. 堆叠, 堆, 大量, 书库, 枪架, 烟囱, 堆积, 存贮栈 attack / E'tAk/ n. 攻击, 抨击 deck / dek/ n. 甲板, 行李仓 wreck / rek/ n. 失事, 残骸, 破坏 click / klik/ n.
UI:Userinterface,用户交互接口,通常在软件开发里碰到最多,也叫人机交互界面;UPS:Uninterrupted Power Supply,不间断电源,机房供电必备产品,在市电断电的情况下对机器供电;USB:Universal Serial Bus,通用串行总线,日
AAccuracy 精度ACC:accepted 接受ACF Anisotropic Conductive Film 异方性导电胶膜制程Additive process 加成工艺Administration/General Affairs Dept 总务部ADSL 即为非对称数字
ADJ Someone who is sophisticated is comfortable in social situations and knows about culture, fashion, and other matters that are considered socially important. 老练的;
ISO将几何公差定义为“Geometrical product specifications −Geometrical tolerancing− Tolerancing of form, orientation, location and run-out”。