An Open Letter to Foreign Friends in Wuxi。Dear foreign friends, in this battle against the virus, every effort counts. Let’s work together, actively support and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work to defeat the virus. Thanks for your support and cooperation!
本文章来源新浪微博:@和风之日语学习ログイン【英】log in;注册;登记;请求联机;登入;登录。(ホストコンピューターに接続し、システムの使用を開始すること。ロゴオン)。ログアウト【英】log out ;注销;运行记录。
無錫市人民政府外事弁公室2020年3月11日Korean상하이에서입국하여 우시에 방문하는손님에게친구여러분:안녕하십니까. 우시시에 방문하신 것을 환영합니다.현재 코로나19 감염증이 전 세계에서 만연하는 태세를 보이고 있습니다. 전염병의 다국적 전파를 막기 위
Dear friends,Recently, some cities in Shandong have seen COVID-19 confirmed cases and asymptomatic cases. The CPC Tai’an MunicipalCommittee and Tai’anMunicipalGovernment have taken the situation very seriously and promptly mobilized resources to ensure steady and orderly epidemicresponse. For the sake of your health and the health of others, we wish to bring the following matters to your attention.
An Open Letter to Foreign Friends in Wuxi。Dear foreign friends, let’s work together, actively support and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work to defeat the virus. Thanks for your understanding, support and cooperation for Wuxi’s Covid-19 response!
[微信公众号:标准日本语]「ほど」有名词和副助词两种词性。名词1,限度,分寸 〇物にはほど(というもの)があります。/凡事都有个分寸。 〇冗談にもほどがあります。/开玩笑也要有个分寸。2,(适当的)程度 〇ほどを越す/过度,过火 〇ほどよく作ります。/做得适当。