As the Chinese New Year approaches, Guangdong's Chinese New Year dishes"enter the internationalmarket.
昨天一女同事从巴黎回来又泪崩,说自己还是没买着MG水桶包。据说今年3月的时候她就守在人家官网上蹲点等开盘,没想到千刀杀的就一个哈欠的时间,MG包就全线Sold Out(刷新了电商界不到一分钟就全线崩盘的记录)。她咬牙切齿被折磨得够呛,但买包的骨气依旧,说是会继续磨刀霍霍等开盘。
先看几道考题,能做对就不用往下看了:The world _____ we live is made up of matter.A. on which B. of which C. at which D. in which。
在日常的口语表达中也很常见。英文释义:to persuade someone that an idea or plan is a good one and likely to be successful。
在Reddit上有个居住在中国的老外在吐槽:Here’sthe thing, I live in China and have been self-quarantine for over a month now.And of course we stock up on food,
Hey everyone, I’m Wang Ba Dan from America.大家好,我是王霸胆,来自美国。That was 21 Guns by Green Day, one of the most popular punk bands in America.
《Showyourself》歌词中英文对照版Every inch of me is trembling我的每一寸肌肤都在颤抖But not from the cold但并非由于寒冷Something is familiar似曾相识Like a dream I can reach
人的一生有无数的情节,而悲伤也是不可缺少的一种元素。首先给大家带来的是摇滚界历史上备受争议的枪花乐队—Guns and Roses。一首非常经典的单曲—Don`t cry。Don`t cry 在bill bord排行榜上,停留将近3年,创下了摇滚界的神话。