Roast 翻译为“吐槽大会”的意思是:An event where a famous person has jokes and humorous criticisms made about them for entertainment. 。也许还是有小伙伴会问talk show 与 standup comedy 的区别在哪?
因为 hot 还表示性感,火热,因此,当你说 I'm so hot 的时候,可能会被别人误会哦!I'm hot for you, baby.It is hot in the summer and cold in the winter.
文:朗播-王宜涵当你走在校园里或者大街上,亦或是在看电影或各种剧看到令自己"心跳加速"的妹子的时候,往往条件反射般的拍拍旁边的哥们说:“That girl is so beautiful!” 哥们回一字:“哦”,丝毫没有兴趣转头去看一眼你口中所谓“beautiful”的妹子。
也就是我们常说的“无风不起浪”。A rumour circulated in the press about the royal couple, and two weeks later it was confirmedwhen they announced their divorce. There's no smoke without fire.
Eating spicy food six or seven days a week — even just once a day — lowered mortality rates by 14 percent, according to a large 2015 study by Harvard and China National Center for Disease Control and Prevention.也有研究表明,饮食中富含辛辣食物的人,食欲会降低,一天中总体上吃的食物更少。