Dr Pietrantonio: Yes. We will see important results. ASCO was a very good meeting in 2024 for gastric cancer patients. There are new trials, for example, the RENAISSANCE trial done in Europe in Germany in patients with limited-metastatic disease. The treatment paradigm is rapidly changing. We have neoadjuvant immunotherapy, and other important trials. The Plenary Session was just concluded and the ESOPEC phase Ⅲ trial results were presented. This trial compared FLOT versus CROSS in patients with esophageal adenocarcinoma, and that trial is positive for an overall survival benefit with FLOT chemotherapy, so the long debate about the best treatment option in this disease is maybe finally over with FLOT as the winner.
本品是一种人 VEGFR2 拮抗剂,是一种重组人 IgG1 单克隆抗体,通过工程哺乳动物 NS0 细胞生产。与紫衫醇联合用药时,雷莫西尤单抗的推荐剂量为 8 mg/kg,在每 28 天为一周期的第 1、15 天约 60 分钟经静脉输注给药。
2022年10月,基于全球Ⅲ期REACH-2研究结果,抗血管生成药物雷莫西尤单抗获得国家药品监督管理局批准,用于既往接受过索拉非尼治疗,且甲胎蛋白≥400 ng/mL的肝细胞癌患者的治疗,为我国肝癌患者提供了全新的治疗选择,也是雷莫西尤单抗2022年内在我国获批的第二项消化肿瘤适应证。
参考文献:1.Randon G, Nappo F, Fassan M, et al. Switch maintenance with ramucirumab plus paclitaxel versus continuation of oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in advanced HER2-negative gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer: final results and key biomarkers of the ARMANI phase III trial. Presented at: 2024 ESMO Gastrointestinal Cancers Congress;
.Suzuki H,Yamada T,Sugaya A,Ueyama S,Yamamoto Y,Moriwaki T,Hyodo IRetrospective analysis for the efcacy and safety of纳武利尤单抗in advanced gastric cancer patients according to ascites burden.Int J Clin Oncol 26:370–377.见原文链接。