2015-09-19 05:33:00 作者:赵为民灾备重要吗?当然,如今灾备的重要性毋庸置疑,天灾人祸的出现让人们意识到灾备已经是数据中心必不可少的一环。如今企业的IT应用环境几乎都运行在数据中心中,数据中心越来越复杂,业务数据也越来越重要,这个时候灾备也就也来越重要。
He only cleans the dishes once in a blue moon!Moon在这个短语里指的是一个很难获得的稀有物件,所以这个词组的完整意思即愿意为满足某人或达成某事而付出所有努力,不惜一切代价…
eg例句"It'snot convenient to help you ATM."我现在不方便帮助你。LOL"LOL"不仅是英雄联盟游戏的简称意思,还是属于表示欢快情绪的意思。如果你在聊天或者书面文字表达中,“lol”的英文全称是“laugh out loud”这个表情包可以足以
长脸是long face,圆脸是round face,鹅蛋脸是oval face,方脸是square face。但大家知道game face是什么脸?一看就是游戏高手的面相?还是网瘾少年呢?其实都不是啦!game face是表示面对艰难的任务或工作时,有坚定的决心,表情严肃认真。
在晚宴上,她穿了一条优雅的长裙,赢得了在场所有人的钦佩。Glamorous:The actress looked glamorous on the red carpet, capturing everyone's attention.
Avocados, tomatoes, mangoes, melons, apples and pears will continue to ripen if left out on a countertop, whereas fruits such as grapes, citrus and berries will only deteriorate and should be refrigerated.
如果我是你,我会趁热打铁。This sounds like a pretty amazing deal they're offering. If I were you, I'd strike while the iron is hot.
比如,银行通常会提醒大家在取款时遮住密码,以防密码被盗:Always cover your PIN at an ATM. You never know who might be looking over your shoulder.
In turn the body remembers the germs so that later in life when it encounters the real live virulent germs it may be able to fight it off with the retained memory against the particular germ.对于当前的世界而言,大规模的疫苗接种就是一剂强心针,让我们看到了回归正常生活的曙光。
A pair of black swans shaped like a heart as they move closer to each other in a lotus pool in Beijing's Old Summer Palace on Aug 3, 2019.迷恋,热恋,爱慕。