《春晓》的语言平易浅近,自然天成,一点也看不出人工雕琢的痕迹。首句破题,“春眠不觉晓”,写春天睡醒时,不觉天已大亮,写出春睡的香甜,也流露着对朝阳明媚的喜爱,次句即景,“处处闻啼鸟”,写悦耳的春声,也交代了醒来的原因——到处是鸟儿清脆的叫声,译文连起来看:This spring morning in bed I’m lying,表达“春眠”的意思, not to awake表达“不觉晓”, till birds are crying,才是“处处闻啼鸟”,其中隐藏了not till 句型,直到听到鸟叫才醒来, lying和crying押韵。
At sunrise riverside flowers redder than fire,In spring green waves grow as blue as sapphire,能不忆江南?如果直译应该是这样的:How can I stop dreaming Fair Southern shore?
第一句“离离原上草,一岁一枯荣”,我想这一句每个人都再熟悉不过了,承载了满满的童年回忆。With spring and fall they come and go,spread over 蔓延,With spring and fall介词短语放句首,with是随着的意思,spring and fall表达“一岁”, come and go表达“枯荣”,很好地传达出原文两个“一”字的叠用效果,形成咏叹,状出生生不已的情味。
瓜洲,在今天江苏省扬州市邗江区,在长江北岸,与长江南岸的京口遥相呼应,京口在今天的江苏省镇江市。第二句“钟山只隔数重山”,钟山指南京市的紫金山,诗人的家乡在此,译文是Between my home and me but a few mountains stand,这是典型的倒装句式,为了使stand 和第一句末尾的land押韵,整个句子采用“地点状语+主语+谓语”的结构,but是仅仅的意思。
最后两句“最是一年春好处,绝胜烟柳满皇都”,诗人想表达的是:只有早春或者初春才是一年中最好的时节,而暮春时节,尽管满城烟柳,绿意盎然,但在诗人心中还是不如现在,译文是It’s the best time of a year late spring tries in vain with its capital veiled in willows to outvie,比较难理解,我们可以拆分和调整一下语序,It’s the best time of a year 后面加一个逗号,late spring with its capital veiled in willows tries in vain to outvie,这样就好理解了,with its capital veiled in willows是介词短语修饰late spring,try to outvie 意思是想要把“early spring”比下去,但是 in vain,上次我们讲过,它是“徒劳无果”的意思。
首句以“红豆生南国”起兴,语极单纯而又富于形象,直译为The red beans grow in southern land. 次句“春来发几枝”以设问寄语,口吻显得分外亲切,翻译成How many load in spring the trees?
第二句“几处早莺争暖树”,译文是Disputing for sunny trees, early orioles trill,这是典型的Doing, S V O 的句式,这个句式在英语中很受欢迎,前面doing表伴随,动作发出者是 句子主语 S,译文字面意思是:争抢暖树的黄鹂们发出欢快的叫声,意象鲜明,节奏欢快,“谁家新燕啄春泥”,译文同样采用Doing, S V O 的句式,Pecking vernal mud in, young swallows come and go,字面意思是:嘴里衔着春泥的新燕往来穿梭。
第二句 “花有清香月有阴”,翻译成现代汉语应该是花儿散发着淡淡的清香,月光在花下投射出朦胧的阴影,译文是When flowers spread on moonlight and shade fragrance cold,理解起来比较困难,首先when 不是时间状语,而是非限定性定语从句的引导词,用来修饰前一句中的spring night, 翻译成“在此时”,从句的正常语序应该是 flowers spread cold fragrance on moonlight and shade,说花朵在朦胧的月光和月光投下的阴影里散发着冷冷的清香。
标题“题都城南庄”,题是写的意思,翻译成Written,都城指长安城,南庄指长安城南边的一个村庄。第一句译文In this house on this day last year a pink face vied,第二句译文In beauty with the pink peach blossom side by side,两句的译文需要连起来读才是一个完整的句子。
This spring morning in bed I’m lying,Not to awake till birds are crying.在温暖的春天,一觉睡到大天亮,睁开惺忪的眼睛,懒得去看窗外的风景,耳边只听得阵阵鸟啼声。
春天来了,让我们一起读几首关于春天的英文诗歌,扫去心头的阴霾,向春天问好吧!02Springis HereSpring is Here. In the air, in the water, in children’s eyesThe leaves are out, the gra
“立”是“开始”的意思,作为24节气之一,“立春”从春秋时期就走进了人们的生活。I slept in spring not conscious of the dawn,But heard the gay birds chattering all around.