此类的弱读在日常交流中其实非常普遍,例如:“wanna”“gonna”“gotta”后面不要加“to”,因为本来就含有“to”的成分在里面,像“I wanna to sleep”就是一种错误说法,直接说成“I wanna sleep”就可以了,“I gotta go”也不要说成“I gotta to go“了哦!
After the paper was published, it didn't take long for Willard's true identity to come to light. The first time anyone outside of Hetherington's close colleagues learned of the cat scientist was when a visitor to the college came looking for the authors. Hetherington was away. Hetherington said, “Everyone laughed and soon the cat was out of the bag.”
前几天和女儿去动物园,女儿忽然停下来,指着一只小鹿说:“Mom, look at that fawn. It is so cute.” 我还没说话,老公在一旁问:“那不是鹿吗?鹿应该是deer吧?”“鹿是deer, 鹿宝宝是fawn。就像狗是dog, 小狗是puppy一样....