We use finally to refer to something that happened after a long time and usually after some difficulties. In this meaning, finally most commonly occurs in the normal mid position for adverbs, between the subject and the main verb, after the modal verb or the first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb 我们用finally 来指在很长一段时间之后,通常是在一些困难之后发生的事情。
在美剧《摩登家庭》S5E19中,Cameron在和Mitchell聊天时,就用到了今天的单词:Mitchell: Did you work everything out with the wedding singer?
final 、finally finalize 有什么不同?final 可以用来修饰类、方法、变量。 final 修饰的 class 代表不可以继承扩展,final 修饰的方法标识不能被重写(override),final 修饰的方法表示不可以修改。
V-I If a large group of people arrive to see you, especially if their visit is unexpected or causes you a lot of work, you can say that they have descended on you. 突然到访。