Dear classmates,I am glad to share something exciting with you. In order to enrich us students’ life experience, our school is going to hold a sports festival next week. I can promise you that it will be an excellent event, so I sincerely hope you can all join in it. The basketball game, the volleyball game and other ball games will be all included, so you will have a lot of fun. If you feel you are interested, please sign up for it before 3 o’clock pm this Friday.
I am very happy to introduce one of my favorite books to you. Actually, I am quite interested in reading and spend a lot of time on books. There are many types of books, but I prefer to read fictions. The one I like best is called “Old Man and Sea” written by Hemingway, a famous American writer.
Dear Simon,I'm very glad to hear from you. In your letter, you told me that you will come to China with your parents and stay here for a while. I am so excited to know that!
快去“考学汇”下载2016年哈三中一模试卷及答案还有名师权威解析哦本报讯(记者张洁)2016年哈三中第一次高考模拟考试于18日结束,本报在考后第一时间为广大考生和家长送上整套含金量极高的模拟试卷及答案,高三考生 及家长可扫描本报教育公众号“考学汇”(kaoxue_hui)二维码并
Taking notes carefully brings me many benefits. First, I can go over what I have learned regularly, and this has indeed improved my grade. Second, this is an efficient method of study. From this experience, I begin to know the correct way to study. Third, I can improve my study efficiency, because I only have to spend a little time reviewing the most important things without wasting so much valuable time.
中 考倒计时235 Day寒假倒计时85 Day中考按照往年的时间进行大致推算,确切时间公布后会随时修改。虽说中考英语单选题分值不高,但能拿满分也是挺不容易的。倒装、被动、时态……小小的15分,却囊括了“千奇百怪”的知识点,想想就头秃了。
生活报官微生活报Andr oi d版APP生活报I SO版APP本报8日讯(见习记者郭恒旭)5日和6日,哈师大附中的第一次模拟考试揭开了2015年高考备战的序幕。东北三省三校联合模拟考试向来是高考的风向标,含金量极高,拥有“模粉”众多。为了让全省考生都能享受到一套高质量的试卷。
原题部分六、书面表达(本题共20 分)在我们的成长过程中,总会有一些人和事影响着我们,让我们发生改变。假如你是李平,今天你们班召开了与此主题相关的作文(composition)竞赛,你参加竞赛并获得了一等奖,请根据以下提示给Peter 写一封电子邮件,向他介绍竞赛情况。