听儿歌,磨耳朵精选节奏感、韵律感强的趣味儿歌轻松开启宝贝的英文启蒙昨天的廖彩杏书单|Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear带我们认识了很多动物,今天我们来听听《I have a pet》这首儿歌给我们介绍了哪些宠物吧~你的家里有养宠物吗?
有,它遇到了一隻友好的拉布拉多犬。Did you take any treats for him?Most of the time, but he gets excited when he sees squirrels.
A 60-year-old man was taking a cigarette break shortly after the noon in the backyard of his rural home. suddenly a male and a female pit bulls owned by his grandson attacked him and brutally mauled him. The man died at the scene. Officers called the incident a “very cruel and tragic attack.” It was unclearly why the dog suddenly attacked the man, who was a familiar with them and had played with them before.
Molly has two dogs. Their names are Paws and Peanut. Paws is a Dalmatian. He is all white with black spots. Paws likes to run and play. Molly likes to take Paws for walks. Paws loves to take walks!
英语小短文有声朗读:《一只新宠物》A New Pet Betty gets a new pet. It is a white rabbit. Betty gets a cage for the rabbit.
今天分享与宠物话题相关的阅读,可以作为词汇和阅读学习的配套资源,也可以作为写作的学习资料。每日10分钟英语阅读,养成习惯,孩子的英语学习不用愁。这个话题的题目是:My pet当介绍宠物时,每个段落可以分别介绍以下内容:Paragraph 1 第一段1.