go through 经历;经受【英释】If you go through an experience or a period of time, especially an unpleasant or difficult one, you experience it.
No.1Drink it while it's still hot.成热喝了吧。No.2All rights reserved.版权所有No.3Don't listen to idle reports!别听信无稽之谈。No.4Business is business.公事公办。
当朋友约你出去玩,你正好有事走不开,你可能会随口说一句:改天吧。例句:It's been another black day for the north-east with the announcement of further job losses.
金针菇是种常见食材,打边炉、麻辣烫时经常吃到。喜欢吃金针菇的人,肯定知道它有一个英文名——see you tomorrow,明天见。意思是,今天吃下去的金针菇,第二天会“原封不动”地拉出来。不过,这种情况被人熟知的同时,也有很多人会产生疑问:为什么吃金针菇会“明天见”呢?
Carl,我认识的一个美国人,在中国担任培训机构的英语老师,他觉得他教的孩子经常会用the day after tomorrow来跟他说周末的活动计划,原话大概是这样:I often thought it was strange that many students come up with these long and complex sentences such as “I will go to the beach the day after tomorrow”, when they could have just said “I’m going to the beach on Sunday”. Why would they say that mouthful “the day after tomorrow” when they could simply say “on Sunday”?
One day I went to see my first teacher, but she happened to be out.the other day 相当于 a few days ago,意为“几天前,不久前”,句中用一般过去时。
原文:At the end of the day, it's his responsibility, and there's nothing you can do译文:到这一天结束的时候/到了晚上,这就是他的责任了,你什么也不能做。
近日,高中生小石经过楚河汉街时发现,街边“汉街二区”的路牌上有英文拼写错误,“The 2st Block of Han Street”中的“2st”是“第二”的错误缩写,应该改为“2nd”。小石就读于东西湖区某高中,是一名高一的学生,学习优异,尤其热爱英语。