一、需要达到的效果文档中样式“标题 1”到“标题 9”分别链接到相应级别列表各级列表与文字间不用默认的制表符连接,而用空格连接完成对激活文档(当前文档)光标所选区域符合要求的标题段落(样式为“标题 n”的段落)应用此列表多级列表目标效果二、代码Sub 多级列表() Dim
EXCEL单元格公式具有“响应式”特征,即表格中任一个单元格数据发生变化后,所有设置了公式的单元格数据也随之变化。也就是说,只有手动操作单元格后,才能激活其它公式单元格的响应。例如,EXCEL函数NOW返回年、月、日以及小时和分钟,如4/5/2023 8:03。
.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter '居中。With .Font。.Bold = True '加粗。.ColorIndex = wdRed '红色。.Name = “黑体” '黑体。.Size = 12 '12磅大小。
Often I found many colleges struggling to get a few simple procedures to work. I was amazed that most of them preferred to keep at it, trying to pin down the one line of code the causes their issues, rather then spend a few minutes learning how to properly debug Excel code and get the job done much faster!