全句翻译为:I hope you would conduct yourself well and play a constructive role in the future of the Chinese and American people and in world peace and stability.
外交部自己的英文通稿:Ihope you will actaccordingly,美联社:behave yourself,路透:conduct yourself well,彭博:conductyourself properly,美国新闻周刊最搞笑:take good care of yourself,全球媒体现在用美联社的翻译比较多。
最有意思的译法来自美国《新闻周刊》:I hope you will take good care of yourself and play a constructive role for the future of the Chinese and American peoples and for world peace and stability.
“”Wang Yi said that big countries should act in a manner befitting their status, shoulder their due international responsibilities, maintain world peace and help countries realize common development. I hope you will act accordingly and play a constructive role for the future of the people of China and the United States, as well as for the peace and stability of the world.”
新闻周刊:I hope you will take good care of yourself and play a constructive role for the future of the Chinese and American peoples and for world peace and stability。
据报道,中国外长王毅应约同美国国务卿鲁比奥通话,此次通话中,有一个成语火了,那就是“好自为之”。而美国的《新闻周刊》给出的翻译,给人一种很温馨的感觉——“Take good care of yourself ”。
这中间还有一个小故事。据“玉渊潭天”说,咱们同传把“好自为之”译为“I hope that Rubio would make the right decisions”,路透社则翻译成“I hope you would conduct yourself well”。