Hello lovely students and welcome back to English with Lucy.你们好,可爱的学生们,欢迎回到跟着 Lucy 学英语。Today's lesson is going to be absolutely dreadful.
中考英语必备对应反义词 一、形容词类 1. big(大的) - small(小的)2. long(长的) - short(短的)3. tall(高的) - short(矮的)4. wide(宽的) - narrow(窄的)5. thick(厚的) - thin(薄的)6.
The weather was hot, without a breath of wind.由temperature 温度联想到hot 热的,warm 温暖的,heat 热量,加热和degree 度数,再发散到反义词cold 冷的,cool 凉的,freeze 冻结,也很容易联想到fire 火。