来源:【湖南日报】新湖南客户端通讯员 胡泷予群山环抱之中,吉首大学医学院一间教室内,阳光透过窗户洒在整洁的课桌上。课堂上,老师正声情并茂讲述专业知识,他的声音洪亮而富有激情;学生们或低头思考,或认真笔记,教室里充满浓厚的学术氛围。
The code of conduct for doctors should be one of caution in speech and action, refraining from casual jokes, noise, discussing others' shortcomings, or boasting about their own reputation. They should never slander or attack other doctors to exaggerate their own achievements. When successfully treating a patient, they should not become self-congratulatory or arrogantly satisfied, considering themselves unmatched. These are bad habits that doctors must overcome. Laozi once said, “When a person openly does good deeds, people will naturally repay him;