球迷盛世、足球盛宴World Cup: 世界杯口语里如果说世界杯,比如看世界杯,我们通常会加 the。I'm watching the World Cup: 我在看世界杯。Football vs Soccer都是足球的意思,football 在全世界范围更通用。
Most said students should spend less time memorizing facts and have more space for creative activities.
DearMike,Spring Festival iscoming and all my family are very busy. We are getting ready for it. Mygrandfather is making big red lanterns. Red means good luck in China. My fatheris cleaning the house and my mother is making jiaozi. It’s a kind oftraditional food in China and it’s very delicious. My brother is decorating thedoors and windows and I am sweeping the floor.
The audience laughed all the way through the film. It's been rated as one of the greatest comedies of all time!